VERUSKA MOTTA W.S. Ref. 9788854416536 Altres productes del mateix autor
    Every four years, during the summer, the whole world comes together to celebrate and support the best athletes from each Country. The Olympic Games are a worldwide event, and their roots can be found in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea: Greece. Starting from the origins in Ancient Greece to the Mo...
    Dimensions: 280 x 488 x 18 cm Pes: 792 gr
    Disponible en 5-10 dies
    18,95 €
  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-88-544-1653-6
    • Encuadernació : Hardback
    • Data d'edició : 27/05/2021
    • Any d'edició : 2021
    • Autors : VERUSKA MOTTA
    • Nº de pàgines : 80
    Every four years, during the summer, the whole world comes together to celebrate and support the best athletes from each Country. The Olympic Games are a worldwide event, and their roots can be found in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea: Greece. Starting from the origins in Ancient Greece to the Modern times games - included the Winter Games - the children will discover every fun fact, sport and champions of the games.

    Filled with information, easy texts and funny illustrations, this book will also help children to think on the deepest meaning of sport and to consider what it takes to become a champion. A selection of the most inspirational profiles of Champions of all time, from every country, with also a special list of the most winning of all.

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