CARL JUNG TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD Ref. 9780415289979 Altres productes de la mateixa col·lecció Altres productes del mateix autor
    Of all the books of the Bible few have had more resonance for modern readers than the Book of Job. For a world that has witnessed great horrors, Job's cries of despair and incomprehension are all too recognizable. The visionary psychotherapist Carl Gustav Jung understood this and responded with this...
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    • ISBN : 978-0-415-28997-9
    • Data d'edició : 05/09/2002
    • Any d'edició : 0
    • Autors : CARL JUNG.
    • Nº de pàgines : 0
    Of all the books of the Bible few have had more resonance for modern readers tha
    n the Book of Job. For a world that has witnessed great horrors, Job's cries of
    despair and incomprehension are all too recognizable. The visionary psychotherap
    ist Carl Gustav Jung understood this and responded with this remarkable book, in
    which he set himself face-to-face with 'the unvarnished spectacle of divine sav
    agery and ruthlessness'.

    Jung perceived in the hidden recesses of the human p
    syche the cause of a crisis that plagues modern humanity and leaves the individu
    al, like Job, isolated and bewildered in the face of impenetrable fortune. By co
    rrelating the transcendental with the unconscious, Jung, writing not as a biblic
    al scholar but 'as a layman and physician who has been privileged to see deeply
    into the psychic life of many people', offers a way for every reader to come to
    terms with the divine darkness which confronts each individual.

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