PHILIP K DICK ORION PUBLISHING GROUP LTD Ref. 9780575132443 Altres productes de la mateixa col·lecció Altres productes del mateix autor
    Based on thousands of pages of typed and handwritten notes, journal entries, letters, and story sketches, The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick is the magnificent and imaginative final work of an author who dedicated his life to questioning the nature of reality and perception, the malleability of space an...
    Pes: 100 gr
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    36,40 €
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    • ISBN : 978-0-575-13244-3
    • Data d'edició : 29/03/2012
    • Any d'edició : 0
    • Autors : PHILIP K DICK.
    • Nº de pàgines : 0
    Based on thousands of pages of typed and handwritten notes, journal entries, let
    ters, and story sketches, The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick is the magnificent and
    imaginative final work of an author who dedicated his life to questioning the na
    ture of reality and perception, the malleability of space and time, and the rela
    tionship between the human and the divine. Edited and introduced by Pamela Jacks
    on and Jonathan Lethem, this will be the definitive presentation of Dick's brill
    iant, and epic, final work.

    In The Exegesis, Dick documents his eight-year at
    tempt to fathom what he called "2-3-74", a postmodern visionary experience of th
    e entire universe "transformed into information". In entries that sometimes ran
    to hundreds of pages, Dick tried to write his way into the heart of a cosmic mys
    tery that tested his powers of imagination and invention to the limit, adding to
    , revising, and discarding theory after theory, mixing in dreams and visionary e
    xperiences as they occurred, and pulling it all together in three late novels kn
    own as the VALIS trilogy. In this abridgment, Jackson and Lethem serve as guides
    , taking the reader through the Exegesis and establishing connections with momen
    ts in Dick's life and work.

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