JONATHAN COE PENGUIN BOOKS LTD Ref. 9780241967737 Altres productes del mateix autor
    The Dwarves of Death is a hilarious black comedy by Jonathan CoeWilliam has a lot on his mind. Firstly, there's The Alaska Factory, the band he plays in. They're no good, and they make his songs sound about as groovy as an unimpressed record.In fact they're so bad he's seriously thinking of leaving ...
    Dimensions: 197 x 131 x 14 cm Pes: 164 gr
    Disponible en 5-10 dies
    23,30 €
  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-0-241-96773-7
    • Encuadernació : Paperback
    • Data d'edició : 26/06/2014
    • Any d'edició : 2014
    • Autors : JONATHAN COE.
    • Nº de pàgines : 224
    The Dwarves of Death is a hilarious black comedy by Jonathan CoeWilliam has a lot on his mind. Firstly, there's The Alaska Factory, the band he plays in. They're no good, and they make his songs sound about as groovy as an unimpressed record.

    In fact they're so bad he's seriously thinking of leaving to join a group called The Unfortunates. Secondly, there's Madeline, his high-maintenance girlfriend whose idea of a night of passion is an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical followed by a doorstep peck on the cheek. Maybe they're not soulmates after all?Lastly, there's the bizarre murder he's just witnessed.

    The guiding force behind The Unfortunates lies bludgeoned to death at his feet and, unfortunately for William, there aren't too many other suspects standing nearby. . .

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