JAMES BALDWIN RANDOM HOUSE USA INC Ref. 9781612194004 Altres productes de la mateixa col·lecció Altres productes del mateix autor
    Never before available, the unexpurgated last interview with James Baldwin. "I was not born to be what someone said I was. I was not born to be defined by someone else, but by myself, and myself only." When, in the fall of 1987, the poet Quincy Troupe traveled to the south of France to interview Jam...
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    • ISBN : 978-1-61219-400-4
    • Encuadernació : Paperback (B format)
    • Data d'edició : 02/12/2014
    • Any d'edició : 0
    • Autors : JAMES BALDWIN.
    • Nº de pàgines : 0
    Never before available, the unexpurgated last interview with James Baldwin. "I w
    as not born to be what someone said I was. I was not born to be defined by someo
    ne else, but by myself, and myself only." When, in the fall of 1987, the poet Qu
    incy Troupe traveled to the south of France to interview James Baldwin, Baldwin'
    s brother David told him to ask Baldwin about everything--Baldwin was critically
    ill and David knew that this might be the writer's last chance to speak at leng
    th about his life and work.

    The result is one of the most eloquent and revelat
    ory interviews of Baldwin's career, a conversation that ranges widely over such
    topics as his childhood in Harlem, his close friendship with Miles Davis, his re
    lationship with writers like Toni Morrison and Richard Wright, his years in Fran
    ce, and his ever-incisive thoughts on the history of race relations and the Afri
    can-American experience.

    Also collected here are significant interviews from o
    ther moments in Baldwin's life, including an in-depth interview conducted by Stu
    ds Terkel shortly after the publication of "Nobody Knows My Name." These intervi
    ews showcase, above all, Baldwin's fearlessness and integrity as a writer, think
    er, and individual, as well as the profound struggles he faced along the way.

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