VALERIE THOMAS AND KORKY PAUL OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ESPAÑA, SA Ref. 9780192748188 Altres productes del mateix autor
    Winnie and Wilbur are off to a fancy-dress party. Winnie is going as a pirate and Wilbur is her parrot. Squawk! At the party they find a whole crew of little pirates ready to set sail on the high seas.It's a swashbuckling Winnie and Wilbur adventure! Korky Paul's intricate artwork is full of madcap ...
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  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-0-19-274818-8
    • Encuadernació : Paperback
    • Data d'edició : 01/09/2016
    • Any d'edició : 0
    • Autors : VALERIE THOMAS.
    • Nº de pàgines : 0
    Winnie and Wilbur are off to a fancy-dress party. Winnie is going as a pirate an
    d Wilbur is her parrot. Squawk! At the party they find a whole crew of little pi
    rates ready to set sail on the high seas.

    It's a swashbuckling Winnie and Wil
    bur adventure! Korky Paul's intricate artwork is full of madcap humour and crazy
    details to pore over. The spellbinding new look of this bestselling series cele
    brates the wonderful relationship that exists between Winnie the Witch and her b
    ig black cat, Wilbur. Since Winnie and Wilbur first appeared in 1987 they have b
    een delighting children and adults in homes and schools all over the world and m
    ore than 7 million books have been sold.

    Winnie and Wilbur will be hitting TV
    screens worldwide in 2017, airing in the UK on Milkshake, Channel 5's popular p
    re-school slot. A Winnie and Wilbur stage show is set to run in Birmingham in 20
    17 followed by a national UK tour. A new look for the website, too! www.winniean

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