ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPERY WORDSWORTH CLASSICS Ref. 9781853261589 Altres productes de la mateixa col·lecció Altres productes del mateix autor
    Translated by Irene Testot-Ferry. The Little Prince is a classic tale of equal appeal to children and adults. On one level it is the story of an airman's discovery, in the desert, of a small boy from another planet - the Little Prince of the title - and his stories of intergalactic travel, while on ...
    Dimensions: 198 x 126 x 7 cm Pes: 82 gr
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  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-1-85326-158-9
    • Encuadernació : Paperback
    • Data d'edició : 05/06/1995
    • Any d'edició : 1995
    • Autors : SAINT-EXUPERY, A.
    • Traductores : IRENE TESTOT-FERRY
    • Ilustradores : ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPERY
    • Nº de pàgines : 112
    Translated by Irene Testot-Ferry. The Little Prince is a classic tale of equal appeal to children and adults. On one level it is the story of an airman's discovery, in the desert, of a small boy from another planet - the Little Prince of the title - and his stories of intergalactic travel, while on the other hand it is a thought-provoking allegory of the human condition.

    First published in 1943, the year before the author's death in action, this translation contains Saint-Exupery's delightful illustrations.

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