CAROL VORDERMAN DORLING KINDERSLEY LTD Ref. 9780241198674 Altres productes del mateix autor
    Help your child be top of the class with Handwriting Made Easy. Help your child learn good handwriting skills with Made Easy Handwriting Printed Writing KS1. It is packed with notes, tips and fact-boxes to make learning handwriting skills easy and fun! You can follow the exercises and activities wit...
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  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-0-241-19867-4
    • Data d'edició : 27/03/2017
    • Any d'edició : 0
    • Autors : CAROL VORDERMAN.
    • Nº de pàgines : 0
    Help your child be top of the class with Handwriting Made Easy. Help your child
    learn good handwriting skills with Made Easy Handwriting Printed Writing KS1. It
    is packed with notes, tips and fact-boxes to make learning handwriting skills e
    asy and fun! You can follow the exercises and activities with your child to stre
    ngthen their learning in school, then reward them with gold stars for their effo

    Your child can keep track of all the exercises they have completed using
    the progress chart. Parent's notes explains what your child need to know at eac
    h stage and what's being covered in the national curriculum so you can support y
    our child. Your child can learn all about upper and lower-case letters, joined w
    riting and punctuation.

    From story writing to synonyms, Made Easy Handwriting
    Printed Writing KS1 clearly and simply unravels the rules behind handwriting. D
    eveloped in consultation with leading educational experts to support the new nat
    ional curriculum at Key Stage 1.

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