SIMON SINEK PENGUIN BOOKS LTD Ref. 9780241279267 Altres productes del mateix autor
    Simon Sinek's recent video on 'The Millennial Question' went viral with over 180 million views. Find Your Why is the follow up to Start with Why, the global bestseller and the subject of the third most watched TED Talk of all time. With Start With Why, Simon Sinek inspired a movement to build a worl...
    Dimensions: 231 x 188 x 33 cm Pes: 696 gr
    Disponible en 5-10 dies
    24,75 €
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    • ISBN : 978-0-241-27926-7
    • Encuadernació : Paperback (C format)
    • Data d'edició : 01/09/2017
    • Any d'edició : 2017
    • Autors : SIMON SINEK
    • Nº de pàgines : 256
    Simon Sinek's recent video on 'The Millennial Question' went viral with over 180 million views. Find Your Why is the follow up to Start with Why, the global bestseller and the subject of the third most watched TED Talk of all time. With Start With Why, Simon Sinek inspired a movement to build a world in which the vast majority of us can feel safe while we are at work and fulfilled when we go home at night.

    Now, along with two of his colleagues, Peter Docker and David Mead, Sinek has created a guide to the most important step any business can take: finding your why. This easy-to-follow guide starts with the search for your personal why, and then expands to helping your colleagues find your organization's why. With detailed instructions on every stage in the process, the book also answer common concerns, such as: What if my why sounds like my competitor's? Can you have more than one why? And, if my work doesn't match my why, what do I do? Whether you're entry level or a CEO, whether your team is run by the founder or a recent hire, these simple steps will lead you on a path to a more fulfilling life and long-term success for you and your colleagues.

    By the British-American author, motivational speaker and marketing consultant Simon Sinek.

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