JAMES HOLLAND TRANSWORLD PUBLISHERS LTD Ref. 9780552169158 Altres productes del mateix autor
    'Ranks as a towering work of historical research and writing' - Nigel Jones, BBC History MagazineIn the second volume of his acclaimed new history of the Second World War, James Holland examines the momentous turning points of 1941-1943: Hitler's invasion of Russia; America's entry into the conflict...
    Dimensions: 197 x 128 x 50 cm Pes: 618 gr
    Disponible en 5-10 dies
    18,95 €
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    • ISBN : 978-0-552-16915-8
    • Encuadernació : Paperback
    • Data d'edició : 02/11/2017
    • Any d'edició : 2017
    • Autors : JAMES HOLLAND
    • Nº de pàgines : 880
    'Ranks as a towering work of historical research and writing' - Nigel Jones, BBC History MagazineIn the second volume of his acclaimed new history of the Second World War, James Holland examines the momentous turning points of 1941-1943: Hitler's invasion of Russia; America's entry into the conflict; the devastating Thousand Bomber Raids over Germany; the long struggle in the deserts of North Africa; and the defeat of the U-boats in the crucial Battle of the Atlantic. As in his first volume, Germany Ascendant, he interweaves his account of the well-known events of the period with the personal stories of individuals caught up in them - on all sides. Through interviews, letters, diaries and reports, he allows us to see the war not just from the perspective of politicians, military commanders and strategists, but also through the eyes of civilians bombed out of their homes, resistance members stranded in the frozen Norwegian winter, sailors risking their lives in the Atlantic convoys, German aces striving for supremacy in the air, and ordinary soldiers battling for survival in the scorching sands of Libya.

    He also looks behind the scenes at the all-important `machinery' of war: the manufacturing, farming and vital supply lines that underpinned the entire conflict and ultimately determined its course. From the battle fronts on land, sea and air, to the streets, fields and factories of Britain, America and Germany, he paints a dramatic and compelling portrait of these pivotal years when the tide began to turn. Combining his own research with only recently accessible archive material, Holland looks afresh at this cataclysmic conflict, reassessing long-held views and challenging conventional assumptions.

    The result is ground-breaking history that redefines the war in the West and makes us think again about the events that shaped our modern world.

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