C J BOX HEAD OF ZEUS Ref. 9781784973193 Altres productes del mateix autor
    Joe Pickett is 300 miles from home, enduring the worst weather January in Wyoming can throw at you. He's in the remote mountain town of Saratoga on the trail of a missing woman. Wyoming's new state governor has charged Joe with investigating the disappearance of a prominent female British businesswo...
    Ancho: 129 cm Largo: 198 cm Pes: 100 gr
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    • ISBN : 978-1-78497-319-3
    • Encuadernació : Paperback (B format)
    • Data d'edició : 03/10/2018
    • Any d'edició : 2018
    • Autors : C J BOX
    • Nº de pàgines : 400
    Joe Pickett is 300 miles from home, enduring the worst weather January in Wyoming can throw at you. He's in the remote mountain town of Saratoga on the trail of a missing woman. Wyoming's new state governor has charged Joe with investigating the disappearance of a prominent female British businesswoman who never came home from the high-end guest ranch she was staying at.

    The Department of Criminal Investigation has drawn a blank and the governor ordered Joe to see if he can discover what happened to her. He won't say why he's asked Joe - a game warden - to investigate such a sensitive case but he's made it plain that he expects results. But the missing woman is only the beginning.

    Something is not right in Saratoga. Why has the local game warden also disappeared? Why is local law enforcement spooked? Why have hunters been banned from land they have legitimate permits for? Joe will have to find the answers before he too joins the disappeared.

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