JILLIAN SCUDDER ICON BOOKS LTD Ref. 9781785784125 Altres productes del mateix autor
    In this enthralling cosmic journey through space and time, astrophysicist Jillian Scudder locates our home planet within its own `family tree'. Our parent the Earth and its sibling planets in our solar system formed within the same gas cloud. Without our grandparent the Sun, we would not exist, and ...
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    • ISBN : 978-1-78578-412-5
    • Encuadernació : Paperback
    • Data d'edició : 01/11/2018
    • Any d'edició : 2018
    • Autors : JILLIAN SCUDDER
    • Nº de pàgines : 304
    In this enthralling cosmic journey through space and time, astrophysicist Jillian Scudder locates our home planet within its own `family tree'. Our parent the Earth and its sibling planets in our solar system formed within the same gas cloud. Without our grandparent the Sun, we would not exist, and the Sun in turn relies on the Milky Way as its home.

    The Milky Way rests in a larger web of galaxies that traces its origins right back to tiny fluctuations in the very early universe. Following these cosmic connections, we discover the many ties that bind us to our universe. Based around readers' questions from the author's popular blog `Astroquizzical', the book provides a quirky guide to how things work in the universe and why things are the way they are, from shooting stars on Earth, to black holes, to entire galaxies.

    For anyone interested in the `big picture' of how the cosmos functions and how it is all connected, Jillian Scudder is the perfect guide.

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