LORENA PAJALUNGA W.S. Ref. 9788854412958 Altres productes del mateix autor
    Yoga has always been a vessel for the tools, techniques, awareness and philosophy useful for children to help them relax and abandon themselves to sleep after a day of new experiences, adventures and play. Some, on theother hand, are perfect for channelling children's energy when they awake in the m...
    Dimensions: 261 x 208 x 8 cm Pes: 448 gr
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    10,20 €

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    • Barcelona: LITERATURE AND CHILDREN'S BOOKS C/ Balmes, 129Bis. 08008 Barcelona
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  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-88-544-1295-8
    • Encuadernació : Hardback
    • Data d'edició : 04/11/2018
    • Any d'edició : 2018
    • Ilustradores : ANNA LANG
    • Nº de pàgines : 40
    Yoga has always been a vessel for the tools, techniques, awareness and philosophy useful for children to help them relax and abandon themselves to sleep after a day of new experiences, adventures and play. Some, on theother hand, are perfect for channelling children's energy when they awake in the morning, guaranteeing them the energy and liveliness required to face the new day. It is just a matter of correctly transmitting both the serenityand peace necessary to face the often delicate moment of bedtime as well as the peace and concentration to best live the new day ahead.

    These books - written in collaboration with AIYB, Italian Association of Yoga for Children - introduce some positions to help reassure and relax children and others to wake them up and constructively channel their energy. The positions have been chosen to be fun and easily carried out by all children, even the very youngest, thanks to simple and interesting explanations, the indispensable and easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions and AnnaLang's colourful and amusing illustrations, which accompany children through the wonderful world of their own imaginations where their favourite toys come to life.

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