BOOK 1

    KATHERINE APPLEGATE ANDERSEN PRESS LTD Ref. 9781783447695 Altres productes de la mateixa col·lecció Altres productes del mateix autor
    Endling - an individual animal that is the last in its species or subspecies Byx is used to being the smallest and the youngest. But for all of her young life, she's also been part of something bigger - part of a family, part of a pack. Until the day Byx finds herself alone, the last of the dairnes:...
    Dimensions: 131 x 191 x 22 cm Pes: 310 gr
    En estoc
    11,65 €

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    • Barcelona: LITERATURE AND CHILDREN'S BOOKS C/ Balmes, 129Bis. 08008 Barcelona
    * La disponibilitat és a nivell informatiu i pot ser inexacte.
  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-1-78344-769-5
    • Encuadernació : Paperback
    • Data d'edició : 30/07/2018
    • Any d'edició : 2018
    • Nº de pàgines : 400
    Endling - an individual animal that is the last in its species or subspecies Byx is used to being the smallest and the youngest. But for all of her young life, she's also been part of something bigger - part of a family, part of a pack. Until the day Byx finds herself alone, the last of the dairnes: an endling.

    Byx is determined to see if the legends about other dairnes she's heard over the years are true. She sets off on a quest to find others of her kind, travelling through the war-torn kingdom of Nedarra. Along the way, she meets new allies who each have their own motivation for joining her: Tobble, the worthy wobbyk; Khara, the girl of many disguises; Renzo, the thief with honour; and Gambler, the principled felivet.

    Together they will uncover a secret that will threaten the existence of not just the dairnes, but every other creature in their world. . .

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