MARGARET WISE BROWN HARPER PAPERBACKS Ref. 9780064430173 Altres productes del mateix autor
    In a great green room, tucked away in bed, is a little bunny. "Goodnight room, goodnight moon." And to all the familiar things in the softly lit room-; to the picture of the three little bears sitting in chairs, to the clocks and his socks, to the mittens and the kittens, to everything one by one-; ...
    Dimensions: 216 x 255 x 4 cm Pes: 138 gr
    Disponible en 5-10 dies
    11,15 €
  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-0-06-443017-3
    • Encuadernació : Paperback
    • Data d'edició : 01/10/1977
    • Any d'edició : 1977
    • Ilustradores : CLEMENT HURD
    • Nº de pàgines : 32
    In a great green room, tucked away in bed, is a little bunny. "Goodnight room, goodnight moon." And to all the familiar things in the softly lit room-; to the picture of the three little bears sitting in chairs, to the clocks and his socks, to the mittens and the kittens, to everything one by one-; he says goodnight. In this classic of modern children's literature, beloved by generations of readers and listeners, the quiet poetry of the words and the gentle, lulling illustrations combine to make a perfect book for the end of the day.

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