SARAH J MAAS BLOOMSBURY PUBLISHING PLC Ref. 9781526605399 Altres productes de la mateixa col·lecció Altres productes del mateix autor
    THE FIRST BOOK IN THE BESTSELLING SERIES AND A TIKTOK SENSATION'With bits of Buffy, Game Of Thrones and Outlander, this is a glorious series of total joy' STYLISTFeyre is a huntress. And when she sees a deer in the forest being pursued by a wolf, she kills the predator and takes its prey to feed her...
    Dimensions: 198 x 130 x 31 cm Pes: 308 gr
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    13,10 €

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  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-1-5266-0539-9
    • Encuadernació : Paperback (B format)
    • Data d'edició : 04/06/2020
    • Any d'edició : 2020
    • Autors : SARAH J MAAS
    • Nº de pàgines : 448
    THE FIRST BOOK IN THE BESTSELLING SERIES AND A TIKTOK SENSATION'With bits of Buffy, Game Of Thrones and Outlander, this is a glorious series of total joy' STYLISTFeyre is a huntress. And when she sees a deer in the forest being pursued by a wolf, she kills the predator and takes its prey to feed herself and her family. But the wolf was not what it seemed, and Feyre cannot predict the high price she will have to pay for its death...

    Dragged away from her family for the murder of a faerie, Feyre discovers that her captor, his face obscured by a jewelled mask, is hiding even more than his piercing green eyes suggest. As Feyre's feelings for Tamlin turn from hostility to passion, she learns that the faerie lands are a far more dangerous place than she realized. And Feyre must fight to break an ancient curse, or she will lose him forever.

    _________________________ Sarah J. Maas's books have sold millions of copies worldwide and have been translated into 37 languages. Discover the tantalising, sweeping romantic fantasy, soon to be a major TV series, for yourself.

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