MICHAEL J FOX HEADLINE PUBLISHING GROUP Ref. 9781472278463 Altres productes del mateix autor
    In No Time Like the Future: An Optimist Considers Mortality, Michael shares personal stories and observations about illness and health, ageing, the strength of family and friends, and how our perceptions about time affect the way we approach mortality. Thoughtful and moving, but with Fox's trademark...
    Ancho: 30 cm Largo: 162 cm Pes: 448 gr
    Disponible en 5-10 dies
    29,15 €
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    • ISBN : 978-1-4722-7846-3
    • Encuadernació : Hardback
    • Data d'edició : 17/11/2020
    • Any d'edició : 2020
    • Autors : MICHAEL J FOX
    • Nº de pàgines : 256
    In No Time Like the Future: An Optimist Considers Mortality, Michael shares personal stories and observations about illness and health, ageing, the strength of family and friends, and how our perceptions about time affect the way we approach mortality. Thoughtful and moving, but with Fox's trademark sense of humour, his book provides a vehicle for reflection about our lives, our loves, and our losses. Running through the narrative is the drama of the medical madness Fox recently experienced, that included his daily negotiations with the Parkinson's disease he's had since 1991, and a spinal cord issue that necessitated immediate surgery.

    His challenge to learn how to walk again, only to suffer a devastating fall, nearly caused him to ditch his trademark optimism and "get out of the lemonade business altogether."Does he make it all of the way back? Read the book.

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