TOVE JANSSON PROFILE BOOKS Ref. 9781908745934 Altres productes del mateix autor
    In the bitter winds of autumn 1963, Tove Jansson, helped by Brunstroem, a maverick fisherman, raced to build a cabin on a treeless skerry in the Gulf of Finland. The island was Klovharun, and for thirty summers Tove and her beloved partner, the graphic artist, Tuulikki Pietila, retreated there to li...
    Dimensions: 301 x 293 x 15 cm Pes: 432 gr
    Disponible en 5-10 dies
    18,95 €
  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-1-908745-93-4
    • Encuadernació : Hardback
    • Data d'edició : 07/10/2021
    • Any d'edició : 2021
    • Autors : TOVE JANSSON
    • Nº de pàgines : 112
    In the bitter winds of autumn 1963, Tove Jansson, helped by Brunstroem, a maverick fisherman, raced to build a cabin on a treeless skerry in the Gulf of Finland. The island was Klovharun, and for thirty summers Tove and her beloved partner, the graphic artist, Tuulikki Pietila, retreated there to live, paint and write, energised by the solitude and shifting seascapes. Notes from an Island, published in English for the first time, is both a chronicle of this period and a homage to the mature love that Tove and 'Tooti' shared for their island and for each other.

    Tove's spare prose, and Tuulikki's subtle washes and aquatints combine to form a work of meditative beauty. '... Tooti wandered aimlessly around the island and stood stock still for long periods.

    I thought I knew what she was doing. She was working again. Copperplate etchings and wash drawings.

    Mostly the lagoon, the lagoon as a consummate mirror for clouds and birds, the lagoon in a storm, in fog. And the granite, first and foremost, the granite, the cliff, the rocks. It's all peace and quiet now.'

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