MICHAEL GRANT EGMONT PUBLISHING Ref. 9780755501618 Altres productes del mateix autor
    Welcome to the FAYZ! The first book in the bestselling cult YA thriller series GONE that Stephen King calls a 'driving, torrential narrative'. In the blink of an eye all the adults disappear in a small town in southern California and no one knows why. Cut off from the outside world, those that are l...
    Dimensions: 129 x 198 x 37 cm Pes: 406 gr
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    13,10 €

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    • Barcelona: LITERATURE AND CHILDREN'S BOOKS C/ Balmes, 129Bis. 08008 Barcelona
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  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-0-7555-0161-8
    • Encuadernació : Paperback
    • Data d'edició : 29/04/2021
    • Any d'edició : 2021
    • Autors : MICHAEL GRANT
    • Nº de pàgines : 576
    Welcome to the FAYZ! The first book in the bestselling cult YA thriller series GONE that Stephen King calls a 'driving, torrential narrative'. In the blink of an eye all the adults disappear in a small town in southern California and no one knows why. Cut off from the outside world, those that are left are trapped, and there's no help on the way.

    Sam Temple and his friends must do all they can to survive. Chaos rules the streets. Gangs begin to form.

    Sides are chosen - strong or weak. Cruel or humane. And then there are those who begin to develop powers ...

    The GONE series is Lord of the Flies for the 21st century. In turns breathtaking, harrowing, and utterly terrifying. Its complex characters and moral dilemmas will delight fans of The Hunger Games, Divergent and The Maze Runner.

    This is dystopian fiction at its best. Have you got all 6 titles in the New York Times bestselling saga?: Gone Hunger Lies Plague Fear Light 'I am now free to leave the FAYZ, but my time there was well spent' Stephen King

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