JILLIAN TAMAKI , MARIKO TAMAKI DRAWN AND QUARTERLY Ref. 9781770464339 Altres productes del mateix autor
    Spring Break, 2009: Five days, three friends, and one big city. Roaming marks a triumphant return to the graphic novel and a deft foray into new adult fiction for Caldecott Medal authors Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki. Over the course of a much-anticipated trip to New York, an unexpected fling blo...
    Dimensions: 205 x 158 x 33 cm Pes: 910 gr
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    36,40 €

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  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-1-77046-433-9
    • Encuadernació : Paperback (C format)
    • Data d'edició : 12/09/2023
    • Any d'edició : 2023
    • Nº de pàgines : 444
    Spring Break, 2009: Five days, three friends, and one big city. Roaming marks a triumphant return to the graphic novel and a deft foray into new adult fiction for Caldecott Medal authors Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki. Over the course of a much-anticipated trip to New York, an unexpected fling blossoms between casual acquaintances and throws a long-term friendship off-balance.

    Emotional tensions vibrate wildly against the resplendently illustrated backdrop of the city, capturing a spontaneous queer romance in all of its fledgling glory. Slick attention to the details of a bustling, intimidating metropolis are softened with a palette of muted pastels, as though seen through the eyes of first-time travelers. The awe, wonder, and occasional stumble along the way come to life with stunning accuracy.

    Roaming is the third collaboration from the critically acclaimed team behind Skim and Governor General s Literary Award winner This One Summer. Moody, atmospheric, and teeming with life, the magic of this comics duo leaks through the pages with lush and exquisite pen work. The Tamakis singular, elegant vision of an urban paradise slowly revealing its imperfections to the tune of its visitors rhythms is a masterpiece a future classic for generations to come.

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