NEIL GAIMAN AVON BOOKS Ref. 9780380789023 Altres productes del mateix autor
    The astonishing and impressive first collection of short stories from New York Times bestselling author Neil GaimanAn elderly widow finds the Holy Grail beneath an old fur coat in a second-hand store . . .A stray cat fights and refights a nightly battle to protect his adoptive family from an unimagi...
    Dimensions: 171 x 105 x 30 cm Pes: 178 gr
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    11,65 €

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  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-0-380-78902-3
    • Data d'edició : 17/10/2020
    • Any d'edició : 2020
    • Autors : NEIL GAIMAN
    • Nº de pàgines : 368
    The astonishing and impressive first collection of short stories from New York Times bestselling author Neil Gaiman

    An elderly widow finds the Holy Grail beneath an old fur coat in a second-hand store . . .

    A stray cat fights and refights a nightly battle to protect his adoptive family from an unimagiable evil . . .

    A young couple receives a wedding gift that will reveal a chilling alternate history of their marriage .

    . .

    Beneath a bridge by the railroad tracks, a frightened little boy bargains for his life with a most persistent troll . .


    Such miraculous inventions and more await within Neil Gaiman's first collection of short fiction, a gift of wonder and delight from one of the most unique literary artists of our day. In his capable hands, magic is no mere illusion, but a powerful means to reveal the nature of our humanity obscured in the smoke of our fears and anxieties . .

    . and reflected in the funhouse mirrors of our dreams.

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