MARY OLIVER MARINER BOOKS Ref. 9780395850855 Altres productes de la mateixa col·lecció Altres productes del mateix autor
    The New York Times has called Mary Oliver's poems "thoroughly convincing - as genuine, moving, and implausible as the first caressing breeze of spring." In this stunning collection of forty poems - nineteen previously unpublished - she writes of nature and love, of the way they transform over time. ...
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    13,10 €
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    • ISBN : 978-0-395-85085-5
    • Data d'edició : 07/04/2008
    • Any d'edició : 0
    • Autors : MARY OLIVER.
    • Nº de pàgines : 0
    The New York Times has called Mary Oliver's poems "thoroughly convincing - as ge
    nuine, moving, and implausible as the first caressing breeze of spring." In this
    stunning collection of forty poems - nineteen previously unpublished - she writ
    es of nature and love, of the way they transform over time. And the way they rem
    ain constant. And what did you think love would be like? A summer day? The bramb
    les in their places, and the long stretches of mud? Flowers in every field, in e
    very garden, with their soft beaks and their pastel shoulders? On one street aft
    er another, the litter ticks in the gutter. In one room after another, the lover
    s meet, quarrel, sicken, break apart, cry out. One or two leap from windows. Mos
    t simply lean, exhausted, their thin arms on the sill. They have done all they c
    ould. The golden eagle, that lives not far from here, has perhaps a thousand tin
    y feathers flowing from the back of its head, each one shaped like an infinitely
    small but perfect spear.

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