G. K. CHESTERTON PENGUIN BOOKS LTD SQU 9780141193854 Ver otros productos de la misma colección See other products of the same author
    The complete adventures of the well-loved clerical sleuth, collected in one brilliant volume. Shabby and lumbering, with a face like a Norfolk dumpling, Father Brown makes for an improbable super-sleuth. But his innocence is the secret of his success: refusing the scientific method of detection, he ...
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  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-0-14-119385-4
    • Binding : Paperback (B format)
    • Publication Date : 01/04/2012
    • Edition year : 0
    • Author/s : G. K. CHESTERTON.
    • Number of pages : 0
    The complete adventures of the well-loved clerical sleuth, collected in one bril
    liant volume. Shabby and lumbering, with a face like a Norfolk dumpling, Father
    Brown makes for an improbable super-sleuth. But his innocence is the secret of h
    is success: refusing the scientific method of detection, he adopts instead an ap
    proach of simple sympathy, interpreting each crime as a work of art, and each cr
    iminal as a man no worse than himself.

    This complete edition brings together
    all of the Father Brown stories, including two not previously available in Pengu
    in: 'The Donnington Affair', in which Chesterton rises to the challenge of solvi
    ng a murder-mystery half written by someone else (Max Pemberton), and 'The Mask
    of Midas', which was found in Chesterton's papers after his death. It also inclu
    des an introduction and notes by Michael D. Hurley.

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