H.G. WELLS PENGUIN BOOKS LTD SQU 9780141199344 See other products of the same author
    'Great shapes like big machines rose out of the dimness, and cast grotesque black shadows, in which dim spectral Morlocks sheltered from the glare'. Chilling, prophetic and hugely influential, "The Time Machine" sees a Victorian scientist propel himself into the year 802,701 AD, where he is delighte...
    Measures: 197 x 135 x 8 cm Weight: 102 gr
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    11,65 €
  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-0-14-119934-4
    • Binding : Paperback (B format)
    • Publication Date : 31/05/2012
    • Edition year : 2012
    • Author/s : WELLS, H G.
    • Number of pages : 128
    'Great shapes like big machines rose out of the dimness, and cast grotesque black shadows, in which dim spectral Morlocks sheltered from the glare'. Chilling, prophetic and hugely influential, "The Time Machine" sees a Victorian scientist propel himself into the year 802,701 AD, where he is delighted to find that suffering has been replaced by beauty and ontentment in the form of the Eloi, an elfin species descended from man. But he soon realizes that they are simply remnants of a once-great culture - now weak and living in terror of the sinister Morloc
    ks lurking in the deep tunnels, who threaten his very return home. H. G. Wells defined much of modern science fiction with this 1895 tale of time travel, which questions humanity, society, and our place on Earth.

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