DANIEL COYLE HARPER PAPERBACKS SQU 9780061783715 Ver otros productos de la misma colección See other products of the same author
    Lance Armstrong's War is the extraordinary story of greatness pushed to its limits; a vivid behind-the-scenes portrait of perhaps the most accomplished athlete of our time as he competes in the toughest sporting event on the planet. The incomparable will to win that famously lifted Armstrong beyond ...
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  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-0-06-178371-5
    • Binding : Paperback
    • Publication Date : 07/04/2014
    • Edition year : 0
    • Author/s : DANIEL COYLE.
    • Number of pages : 0
    Lance Armstrong's War is the extraordinary story of greatness pushed to its limi
    ts; a vivid behind-the-scenes portrait of perhaps the most accomplished athlete
    of our time as he competes in the toughest sporting event on the planet. The inc
    omparable will to win that famously lifted Armstrong beyond his humble Texas roo
    ts, beyond cancer, and to unparalleled heights of success is revealed by acclaim
    ed journalist Daniel Coyle in new and startling dimensions. It is the true story
    of a superlative sports figure fighting on all fronts -- made newly vulnerable
    by age, fate, fame, doping allegations, a painful divorce, and an unprecedented
    army of challengers -- while mastering the exceedingly difficult trick of being
    Lance Armstrong, a combination of world-class athlete, celebrity, regular guy, a
    nd, for many Americans, secular saint.A fascinating journey through the little-k
    nown landscape of professional cycling, Lance Armstrong's War provides a hugely
    insightful look into the often inspiring, always surprising core of a remarkable
    athlete and the world that shapes him.

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