JOHN KOTTER HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL PUBLISHING SQU 9781625271747 Ver otros productos de la misma colección See other products of the same author
    It's a familiar scene in organizations today: a new competitive threat or a big opportunity emerges. You quickly create a strategic initiative in response and appoint your best people to make change happen. And it doesbut not fast enough. Or effectively enough. Real value gets lost and, ultimately, ...
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  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-1-62527-174-7
    • Publication Date : 08/04/2014
    • Edition year : 0
    • Author/s : JOHN KOTTER.
    • Number of pages : 0
    It's a familiar scene in organizations today: a new competitive threat or a big
    opportunity emerges. You quickly create a strategic initiative in response and a
    ppoint your best people to make change happen. And it doesbut not fast enough. O
    r effectively enough. Real value gets lost and, ultimately, things drift back to
    the default status.

    Why is this scenario so frequently repeated in industrie
    s and organizations across the world? In the groundbreaking new bookAccelerate (
    XLR8), leadership and change management expert, and best-selling author, John Ko
    tter provides a fascinating answerand a powerful new framework for competing and
    winning in a world of constant turbulence and disruption.

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