GUY DELISLE DRAWN AND QUARTERLY SQU 9781770461673 Ver otros productos de la misma colección See other products of the same author
    Laugh-out-loud anecdotes from the front lines of parenting Ever wanted to know how to be awarded the Best Dad in the Whole World? Guy Delisle has all the answers for you in these lighthearted, entertaining tales of parental mishaps and practical jokes gone wrong. Whether he's helping remove a pesky,...
    Weight: 100 gr
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  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-1-77046-167-3
    • Binding : Paperback
    • Publication Date : 06/08/2014
    • Edition year : 0
    • Author/s : GUY DELISLE.
    • Number of pages : 0
    Laugh-out-loud anecdotes from the front lines of parenting

    Ever wanted to know
    how to be awarded the Best Dad in the Whole World? Guy Delisle has all the answ
    ers for you in these lighthearted, entertaining tales of parental mishaps and pr
    actical jokes gone wrong. Whether he's helping remove a pesky, wobbly, but not q
    uite loose tooth or trying to win at hide-and-seek, his antics will resonate wit
    h every parent who has wanted to give a sarcastic answer to a funny question fro
    m their kid.

    "Even More Bad Parenting Advice" marks Delisle's second foray into
    the world of offering bad advice to parents, and a second opportunity to expres
    s the minor frustrations and many joys of parenting. His skillful hand at illust
    ration and ironic way with words, which helped to popularize his travelogues abo
    ut daily life in faraway places, are just as much the stars here as he or his ch
    ildren are. His sense of comic timing shines through in these simply told storie
    s; with their lively flow, a change in facial expression or a few words can serv
    e as the punch line. "Even More Bad Parenting Advice "celebrates the reality tha
    t parenting isn't all first steps and gold-starred report cards; it's stinky dia
    pers and never-ending drives to the grocery store, too.

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