JUSSI ADLER OLSEN DUTTON BOOKS SQU 9780525954026 Ver otros productos de la misma colección See other products of the same author
    All fifteen-year-old Marco Jameson wants is to become a Danish citizen and go to school like a normal teenager. But his uncle Zola rules his former gypsy clan with an iron fist. Revered as a god and feared as a devil, Zola forces the children of the clan to beg and steal for his personal gain. When ...
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  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-0-525-95402-6
    • Binding : Hardback
    • Publication Date : 09/09/2014
    • Edition year : 0
    • Author/s : JUSSI ADLER OLSEN.
    • Number of pages : 0
    All fifteen-year-old Marco Jameson wants is to become a Danish citizen and go to
    school like a normal teenager. But his uncle Zola rules his former gypsy clan w
    ith an iron fist. Revered as a god and feared as a devil, Zola forces the childr
    en of the clan to beg and steal for his personal gain. When Marco discovers a de
    ad bodyproving the true extent of Zola's criminal activitieshe goes on the run.
    But his family members aren't the only ones who'll go to any lengths to keep Mar
    co silent . . . forever.

    Meanwhile, the last thing Detective Carl M›rck needs
    is for his assistants, Assad and Rose, to pick up a missing persons case on a w
    him: Carl's nemesis is his new boss, and he's saddled Department Q with an unwel
    come addition. But when they learn that a mysterious teen named Marco may have a
    s much insight into the case as he has fear of the police, Carl is determined to
    solve the mystery and save the boy. Carl's actions propel the trio into a case
    that extends from Denmark to Africa, from embezzlers to child soldiers, from see
    mingly petty crime rings to the very darkest of cover-ups.

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