JASON FRY HARPER PAPERBACKS SQU 9780062230218 Ver otros productos de la misma colección See other products of the same author
    reasure Island meets Battlestar Galactica in book one of the swashbuckling sci-fi adventure series SLJ called "space opera in the classic style" in a starred review, from New York Times bestselling author Jason Fry.The relationship between Tycho Hashoone, his twin sister, Yana, and their older broth...
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  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-0-06-223021-8
    • Binding : Paperback
    • Publication Date : 11/11/2014
    • Edition year : 0
    • Author/s : JASON FRY.
    • Number of pages : 0
    reasure Island meets Battlestar Galactica in book one of the swashbuckling sci-f
    i adventure series SLJ called "space opera in the classic style" in a starred re
    view, from New York Times bestselling author Jason Fry.

    The relationship betwee
    n Tycho Hashoone, his twin sister, Yana, and their older brother, Carlo, isn't y
    our average sibling rivalry. They might be crew members together aboard the Shad
    ow Comet, but only one of them can be the next ship captain. So when the Hashoon
    es find themselves in the midst of a dangerous conspiracy-one that will pit them
    against space pirates, Earth diplomats, and even treachery from within the fami
    ly-each sibling is desperate to prove his or her worth. The only trouble is, if
    they don't work together, none of them may make it out alive.

    Perfect for fans
    of fantasy adventures like Ranger's Apprentice and such space-age epics as Star
    Wars, The Jupiter Pirates: Hunt for the Hydra is a wholly original saga about a
    galaxy on the brink of war and one unforgettable family caught in the cross fire

    Don't miss the action-packed sequel, Curse of the Iris.

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