ALEV SCOTT FABER AND FABER LTD SQU 9780571296583 Ver otros productos de la misma colección See other products of the same author
    Born in London to a Turkish mother and British father, Alev Scott moved to Istanbul to discover what it means to be Turkish in a country going through rapid political and social change, with an extraordinary past still linked to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and an ever more surprising present under the lea...
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  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-0-571-29658-3
    • Binding : Paperback (B format)
    • Publication Date : 02/04/2015
    • Edition year : 0
    • Author/s : ALEV SCOTT.
    • Number of pages : 0
    Born in London to a Turkish mother and British father, Alev Scott moved to Istan
    bul to discover what it means to be Turkish in a country going through rapid pol
    itical and social change, with an extraordinary past still linked to Mustafa Kem
    al Ataturk and an ever more surprising present under the leadership of Recep Tay
    yip Erdogan. From the European buzz of modern-day Constantinople to the Arabic-s
    peaking towns of the south-east, Turkish Awakening investigates mass migration,
    urbanisation and economics in a country moving swiftly towards a new position on
    the world stage. This is the story of discovering a complex country from the ou
    tside-in, a candid account of overturned preconceptions and fresh understanding.

    Relating wide-ranging interviews and colourful personal experience, the auth
    or charts the evolving course of a country bursting with surprises - none more d
    ramatic than the unexpected political protests of 2013 in Taksim Square, which h
    ave brought to light the emerging demands of a newly awakened Turkish people. Ma
    ss migration, urbanisation and a growing awareness of human rights have changed
    the social, economic and physical landscapes of a powerful country, and the 2013
    protests were just one indication of the changes afoot in today's Turkey. Threa
    tened as it is by recent developments in Syria and Iraq and the approaching dang
    er of ISIS.

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