WILLIAM GOLDING FABER AND FABER LTD SQU 9780571322749 Ver otros productos de la misma colección See other products of the same author
    Christopher Martin, the sole survivor of a torpedoed destroyer, is stranded upon a rock in the middle of the Atlantic. Pitted against him are the sea, the sun, the night cold and the terror of his isolation. To drink there is a pool of rain water; to eat there are weeds and sea anemones.Through the ...
    Weight: 100 gr
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  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-0-571-32274-9
    • Binding : Paperback (B format)
    • Publication Date : 02/04/2015
    • Edition year : 0
    • Author/s : WILLIAM GOLDING.
    • Number of pages : 0
    Christopher Martin, the sole survivor of a torpedoed destroyer, is stranded upon
    a rock in the middle of the Atlantic. Pitted against him are the sea, the sun,
    the night cold and the terror of his isolation. To drink there is a pool of rain
    water; to eat there are weeds and sea anemones.

    Through the long hours with
    only himself to talk to, Martin must try to assemble the truth of his fate, piec
    e by terrible piece. While most readers are aware of William Golding as the writ
    er of Lord of the Flies, it is Pincher Martin, his third novel, that speaks most
    directly to contemporary readers. This shocking, unusual bullet of a book is th
    e definitive survival novel and has an ending that is guaranteed to leave you re

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