MICHAEL CAINE HODDER & STOUGHTON SQU 9781444700039 See other products of the same author
    It's been a long journey for Maurice Micklewhite - born with rickets in London's poverty-stricken Elephant & Castle - to the bright lights of Hollywood. With a glittering career spanning more than five decades and starring roles which have earned him two Oscars, a knighthood, and an iconic place in ...
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  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-1-4447-0003-9
    • Binding : Paperback (B format)
    • Publication Date : 14/01/2016
    • Edition year : 0
    • Author/s : MICHAEL CAINE.
    • Number of pages : 0
    It's been a long journey for Maurice Micklewhite - born with rickets in London's
    poverty-stricken Elephant & Castle - to the bright lights of Hollywood. With a
    glittering career spanning more than five decades and starring roles which have
    earned him two Oscars, a knighthood, and an iconic place in the Hollywood panthe
    on, the man now known to us as Michael Caine looks back over it all. Funny, warm
    , honest, Caine brings us his insider's view of Hollywood (where there's neither
    holly nor woods).

    He recalls the films, the legendary stars, the off-screen
    moments with a gift for story-telling only equalled by David Niven. Hollywood ha
    s been his home and his playground. But England is where his heart lies.

    where he blames the French for the abundance of snails in his garden. A plaque n
    ow celebrates him at the Elephant in London. His handprint is one of only 200 si
    nce 1927 to decorate the hallowed pavement outside that mecca of Hollywood stars
    , Grauman's Chinese Theatre.

    A very British star, The Elephant to Hollywood i
    s the remarkable full circle of Michael Caine's life.

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