WILKIE COLLINS OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ESPAÑA, SA SQU 9780198703211 Ver otros productos de la misma colección See other products of the same author
    'The power that I have dreamed of all my life is mine at last!' How far is a mother prepared to go to secure her daughter's future? Madame Fontaine, widow of an eminent chemist, has both the determination and the cunning to bring young Minna's marriage plans to fruition, with dangerous consequences ...
    Weight: 215 gr
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    12,51 €
  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-0-19-870321-1
    • Publication Date : 01/01/2016
    • Edition year : 2016
    • Idioma : Español, Castellano
    • Author/s : WILKIE COLLINS.
    • Number of pages : 304
    'The power that I have dreamed of all my life is mine at last!' How far is a mot
    her prepared to go to secure her daughter's future? Madame Fontaine, widow of an
    eminent chemist, has both the determination and the cunning to bring young Minn
    a's marriage plans to fruition, with dangerous consequences for anyone who dares
    to stand in her way. But has she met her match in Jack Straw, one-time inmate o
    f Bedlam lunatic asylum? It will take a visit to the morgue to find out who triu
    mphs - and who comes out alive. Reminiscent of Collins's blockbusters The Woman
    in White and Armadale, this suspenseful case study in villainy is set against th
    e financial world of 1820s Frankfurt and tells the story of two widows, one of t
    hem devoted to realizing her husband's social reforms, the other equally devoted
    to the pursuit of her daughter's happiness.

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