SARAH ANDERSEN ACCORD PUBLISHING SQU 9781449479619 Ver otros productos de la misma colección See other products of the same author
    Sarah Andersen's hugely popular, world-famous Sarah's Scribbles comics are for those of us who boast bookstore-ready bodies and Netflix-ready hair, who are always down for all-night reading-in-bed parties and extremely exclusive after-hour one-person music festivals. In addition to the most recent S...
    Measures: 205 x 166 x 12 cm Weight: 282 gr
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    14,55 €

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  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-1-4494-7961-9
    • Binding : Paperback
    • Publication Date : 01/03/2017
    • Edition year : 2017
    • Author/s : SARAH ANDERSEN.
    • Number of pages : 128
    Sarah Andersen's hugely popular, world-famous Sarah's Scribbles comics are for those of us who boast bookstore-ready bodies and Netflix-ready hair, who are always down for all-night reading-in-bed parties and extremely exclusive after-hour one-person music festivals. In addition to the most recent Sarah's Scribbles fan favorites and dozens of all-new comics, this volume contains illustrated personal essays on Sarah's real-life experiences with anxiety, career, relationships and other adulthood challenges that will remind readers of Allie Brosh's Hyperbole and a Half and Jenny Lawson's Let's Pretend This Never Happened. The same uniquely frank, real, yet humorous and uplifting tone that makes Sarah's Scribbles so relatable blooms beautifully in this new longer form.

    Swimsuit season is coming up! Better get beach-body ready! Work on those abs! Lift those butts!

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