MATT BIRD WATSON-GRUPTILL PUBLICATIONS SQU 9781440348235 See other products of the same author
    You've just boarded a plane. You've loaded your phone with your favorite podcasts, but before you can pop in your earbuds, disaster strikes: The guy in the next seat starts telling you all about something crazy that happened to him--in great detail. This is the unwelcome storyteller, trying to convi...
    Measures: 246 x 180 x 37 cm Weight: 446 gr
    Available in 5-10 days
    21,85 €
  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-1-4403-4823-5
    • Binding : Paperback
    • Publication Date : 28/10/2016
    • Edition year : 2016
    • Author/s : MATT BIRD
    • Number of pages : 368
    You've just boarded a plane. You've loaded your phone with your favorite podcasts, but before you can pop in your earbuds, disaster strikes: The guy in the next seat starts telling you all about something crazy that happened to him--in great detail. This is the unwelcome storyteller, trying to convince a reluctant audience to care about his story.

    We all hate that guy, right? But when you tell a story (any kind of story: a novel, a memoir, a screenplay, a stage play, a comic, or even a cover letter), you become the unwelcome storyteller.

    So how can you write a story that audiences will embrace? The answer is simple: Remember what it feels like to be that jaded audience. Tell the story that would win you over, even if you didn't want to hear it.

    The Secrets of Story provides comprehensive, audience-focused strategies for becoming a master storyteller. Armed with the Ultimate Story Checklist, you can improve every aspect of your fiction writing with incisive questions like these:
    Concept: Is the one-sentence description of your story uniquely appealing?
    Character: Can your audience identify with your hero?
    Structure and Plot: Is your story ruled by human nature?
    Scene Work: Does each scene advance the plot and reveal character through emotional reactions?
    Dialogue: Is your characters' dialogue infused with distinct personality traits and speech patterns based on their lives and backgrounds?
    Tone: Are you subtly setting, resetting, and upsetting expectations?
    Theme: Are you using multiple ironies throughout the story to create meaning?

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