JUAN GABRIEL VASQUEZ QUERCUS SQU 9780857056597 See other products of the same author
    Shortlisted for the Man Booker International Prize 2019"Like Don DeLillo's JFK-themed Libra, the novel is an intoxicating blend of fact and fiction" Glasgow Herald"A masterful writer" Nicole Krauss"A highly sophisticated, fast-moving political thriller set in Colombia and an excellent read" Alan Fur...
    Measures: 210 x 143 x 48 cm Weight: 630 gr
    Available in 5-10 days
    24,75 €
  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-0-85705-659-7
    • Binding : Paperback (C format)
    • Publication Date : 03/05/2018
    • Edition year : 2018
    • Traductores : ANNE MCLEAN
    • Number of pages : 512
    Shortlisted for the Man Booker International Prize 2019

    "Like Don DeLillo's JFK-themed Libra, the novel is an intoxicating blend of fact and fiction" Glasgow Herald
    "A masterful writer" Nicole Krauss
    "A highly sophisticated, fast-moving political thriller set in Colombia and an excellent read" Alan Furst
    "A dazzlingly choreographed network of echoes and mirrorings" T.L.S.

    It takes the form of personal and formal investigations into two political assassinations - the murders of Rafael Uribe Uribe in 1914, the man who inspired Garcia Marquez's General Buendia in One Hundred Years of Solitude, and of the charismatic Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, the man who might have been Colombia's J.F.K., gunned down on the brink of success in the presidential elections of 1948. Separated by more than 30 years, the two murders at first appear unconnected, but as the novel progresses Vasquez reveals how between them they contain the seeds of the violence that has bedevilled Colombia ever since.

    The Shape of the Ruins is Vasquez's most ambitious, challenging and rewarding novel to date. His previous novel, The Sound of Things Falling, won Spain's Alfaguara Prize, Italy's Von Rezzori Prize and the 2014 Dublin IMPAC literary Award. Winner of the Premio Literario Casino da Povoa 2018 Finalist for the Bienal de Novela Mario Vargas Llosa 2016 Finalist for the Premio Bottari Lattes Grinzane 2017 Finalist for the Prix Femina Finalist for the Prix Medicis Translated from the Spanish by Anne McLean

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