DEAN KOONTZ PENGUIN USA SQU 9780525484707 Ver otros productos de la misma colección See other products of the same author
    In the fifth installment of an ongoing story (The Forbidden Door, 2018, etc.), wrongly dishonored FBI agent Jane Hawk faces her worst fear in her lonely fight against an evil male conspiracy embedded in the halls of power: the abduction of her son, Travis. The ruthless enemy, called the Techno Arcad...
    Measures: 238 x 162 x 35 cm Weight: 432 gr
    Available in 5-10 days
    34,70 €
  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-0-525-48470-7
    • Binding : Hardback
    • Publication Date : 14/05/2019
    • Edition year : 2019
    • Author/s : DEAN KOONTZ
    • Number of pages : 432
    In the fifth installment of an ongoing story (The Forbidden Door, 2018, etc.), wrongly dishonored FBI agent Jane Hawk faces her worst fear in her lonely fight against an evil male conspiracy embedded in the halls of power: the abduction of her son, Travis. The ruthless enemy, called the Techno Arcadians, have been scrubbing people of their memories and their identities with nanotech implants and turning many of them into robotic servants and sex slaves. To keep Travis safe while she goes after them, doing all she can to evade their sophisticated surveillance systems, Hawk has hidden him with friends in Arizona. Beautiful, brilliant, and supertough, she gains a valuable running partner in lovable pal Vikram Rangnekar, a recently resigned FBI employee who has acquired a pile of government secrets with his 'back door' hacking skills. While they pursue the baddies, Jane in her latest disguise, the billionaire behind the conspiracy hunts a young filmmaker he has enticed to his Colorado spread for sport, áa la 'The Most Dangerous Game, ' only on snowmobiles

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