CIXIN LIU SIMON AND SCHUSTER USA SQU 9781945863691 See other products of the same author
    In the depths of mountains shrouded with ignorance and superstition, a man dedicates his life to igniting a passion for science and culture in children's hearts. As his life draws to an end, he uses his dying breaths to impart knowledge on others. Fifty thousand lightyears away, in the depths of out...
    Measures: 256 x 179 x 10 cm Weight: 400 gr
    Available in 5-10 days
    22,30 €
  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-1-945863-69-1
    • Binding : Paperback
    • Publication Date : 06/07/2021
    • Edition year : 2021
    • Author/s : CIXIN LIU
    • Number of pages : 108
    In the depths of mountains shrouded with ignorance and superstition, a man dedicates his life to igniting a passion for science and culture in children's hearts. As his life draws to an end, he uses his dying breaths to impart knowledge on others. Fifty thousand lightyears away, in the depths of outer space, an interstellar war that has lasted for twenty thousand years draws to an end. In order to preserve the Milky Way's many civilizations, the victor begins to exterminate lower-level life forms. When they reach Earth, they pose a test. The eighteen children deep in the mountains use the last lesson their teacher taught them to shine bright the hope of civilization...
    The third of sixteen new graphic novels from Liu Cixin and Talos Press, The Village Teacher is an epic tale that all science fiction fans will enjoy.

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