MATTHEW QVORTRUP GERALD DUCKWORTH & CO LTD SQU 9780715654965 See other products of the same author
    Three centuries ago, Voltaire published his Dictionnaire philosophique, taking in such idiosyncratic topics as adultery, mountains, nakedness, and others besides. In 1957, another French philosopher of more recent vintage, Roland Barthes, mused in his Mythologies on the masculine pursuits of wrestli...
    Measures: 205 x 135 x 20 cm Weight: 296 gr
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  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-0-7156-5496-5
    • Binding : Hardback
    • Publication Date : 05/10/2023
    • Edition year : 2023
    • Author/s : MATTHEW QVORTRUP
    • Number of pages : 224
    Three centuries ago, Voltaire published his Dictionnaire philosophique, taking in such idiosyncratic topics as adultery, mountains, nakedness, and others besides. In 1957, another French philosopher of more recent vintage, Roland Barthes, mused in his Mythologies on the masculine pursuits of wrestling, striptease and the Citroen DS. Since the dawn of philosophy, the world's great thinkers have been unable to resist the lure of applying their formidable brains not only to the meaning of life, but also to the meaning of coffee, trapped wind or efficient boiler installation.

    Now, from Wollstonecraft to Wittgenstein, Laozi to Locke, Aristotle to Arendt, Great Minds on Small Things brings together their varied observations, alongside delightful black and white illustrations, in a highly entertaining and eye-opening miscellany that is guaranteed to make life's mundanities suddenly seem a lot more highbrow.

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