STEPHANIE BURT GRAYWOLF SQU 9781644452059 See other products of the same author
    ffusive new poems by Stephanie Burt, "perhaps our greatest poet of having yet more to say" (Boston Review)Stephanie Burt's poems in We Are Mermaids are never just one thing. Instead, they revel in their multiplicity, their interconnectedness, their secret powers to become much more than they at firs...
    Ancho: 165 cm Largo: 227 cm Weight: 195 gr
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    24,75 €
  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-1-64445-205-9
    • Binding : Paperback
    • Publication Date : 04/10/2023
    • Edition year : 2022
    • Author/s : STEPHANIE BURT
    • Number of pages : 120
    ffusive new poems by Stephanie Burt, "perhaps our greatest poet of having yet more to say" (Boston Review)

    Stephanie Burt's poems in We Are Mermaids are never just one thing. Instead, they revel in their multiplicity, their interconnectedness, their secret powers to become much more than they at first seem. In these poems, punctuation marks make arguments for their utility and their rights to exist.

    Frozen isn't simply another Disney animated musical but "the Most Trans Movie Ever." Mermaids, werewolves, and superheroes don't just fret over divided natures and secret identities, but celebrate their wholeness, their unique abilities, and their erotic potential. Flowers in this collection bloom into exactly what they are meant to be-revealing themselves, like bleeding hearts, beyond their given names.

    With humor and insight, Burt's poems have always cherished and examined the things of this world, both real and imagined objects of fascination and desire. In this resplendent new collection, her observation and care flourish into her most fulfilled book yet.

    These poems shake off indecisiveness and doubt to reach joys through romance and family, through nature (urban and otherwise), and through imaginative community. We Are Mermaids is a trans book, a fangirl book, a book about coming together. It's also Burt's best book.

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