PENNY VINCENZI BROADWAY BOOKS SQU 9780767926256 Ver otros productos de la misma colección See other products of the same author
    A number-one bestseller from one of Britain's most popular novelists, Sheer Abandon is an all-consuming story revolving around the consequences of a desperate act . . . Martha, Clio, and Jocasta meet by chance at Heathrow airport in 1985 as they are starting off on separate backpacking adventures, a...
    Weight: 100 gr
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    18,50 €
  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-0-7679-2625-6
    • Publication Date : 22/04/2008
    • Edition year : 0
    • Author/s : PENNY VINCENZI.
    • Number of pages : 0
    A number-one bestseller from one of Britain's most popular novelists, Sheer Aban
    don is an all-consuming story revolving around the consequences of a desperate a
    ct . . .

    Martha, Clio, and Jocasta meet by chance at Heathrow airport in 198
    5 as they are starting off on separate backpacking adventures, and they decide t
    o spend the first few days of their trips together in Thailand. When they go the
    ir separate ways, they vow to get together in London the following year. But man
    y years pass before the three cross paths again, and the once-capricious, carefr
    ee girls now all have thriving careers. One of them, however, harbors a terrible
    secret: On her return from her pre-college excursion, she abandoned her just-bo
    rn daughter at Heathrow.

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