WADE DAVIS HOUSE OF ANANSI PRESS SQU 9780887847660 Ver otros productos de la misma colección See other products of the same author
    Over the past decade, many of us have been alarmed to learn of the rapidly accelerating extinction of our planet's diverse flora and fauna. But how many of us know that our human cultural diversity is also going extinct at a shocking rate? Biologists estimate that 18% of mammals and 11% of birds are...
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  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-0-88784-766-0
    • Binding : Paperback
    • Publication Date : 13/10/2009
    • Edition year : 0
    • Author/s : WADE DAVIS.
    • Number of pages : 0
    Over the past decade, many of us have been alarmed to learn of the rapidly accel
    erating extinction of our planet's diverse flora and fauna. But how many of us k
    now that our human cultural diversity is also going extinct at a shocking rate?
    Biologists estimate that 18% of mammals and 11% of birds are threatened, while b
    otanists anticipate the loss of 8% of flora. Meanwhile, of the 7,000 languages i
    n the world today, 50% will disappear in our lifetime. Languages are merely the
    canaries in the coalmine: what of the poetry, songs, knowledge, and ways of seei
    ng encoded in these disappearing voices?

    In The Wayfinders, acclaimed anthropo
    logist Wade Davis offers a gripping account of this urgent crisis. He leads us o
    n a fascinating tour through a handful of indigenous cultures and worldviews whi
    le reminding us of the encroaching dangers posed by unchecked globalization. An
    enlightening, awe-inspiring, and cautionary look at vanishing cultures and langu
    ages from one of the world's most celebrated and distinguished anthropologists.

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