LISA LARTER MORGAN JAMES Ref. 9781614488453 Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    Biographical Note:Lisa Larter, founder of lisalarter.com, is a Business Consultant, Social Media Strategist, and Speaker. She works with businesses to maximize their profits and scale beyond their dreams, using social media, relationship marketing, and dead-simple, eye-opening systems. She's helped ...
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  • Descripción

    • ISBN : 978-1-61448-845-3
    • Fecha de edición : 05/01/2016
    • Año de edición : 0
    • Autores : LISA LARTER
    • Nº de páginas : 210

    Biographical Note:
    Lisa Larter, founder of lisalarter.com, is a Business Consultant, Social Media Strategist, and Speaker. She works with businesses to maximize their profits and scale beyond their dreams, using social media, relationship marketing, and dead-simple, eye-opening systems. She's helped increase the visibility and profits of a wide range of clients -- including retail groups, authors, realtors, brick-and-mortar businesses, shopping centers, online entrepreneurs, and, her favorite big-name advisee, Deepak Chopra.

    Review Quotes:
    "Lisa brilliantly lays out a structure to develop a business model that you'll love while also getting your message seen and heard by the right audience. She shares her proven methodology in this book to attract more leads and then shows you exactly how to convert them to clients. A must read!" -- Melonie Dodaro, CEO of Top Dog Social Media, Author of "The LinkedIn Code"
    "Straight talk on the truth about business, money, and what it really takes to make it. That's what you get when you read Lisa Larter's book, "Pilot to Profit." -- Alexis Neely, Business Priestess & New Economy Personal Finance Expert

    "Congratulations! You will be so glad you decided to buy this book. I have known Lisa Larter for many years and can attest she is someone 'walking her talk.' Lisa is easily one of the smartest and savvy women I know. Sometimes when I get stuck on a problem I think, 'What would Lisa Larter do?' Why do I do that? Because the woman is tenacious, uses metrics like no one's business, and always does what right for her clients. You will reap rewards a minimum of tenfold by buying this book. I cannot say enough good things about Lisa not only as a leader but in her ability to help you get to the next level." -- Joyce Bone, Honey Badger Extraordinaire

    "This book is essentially a blueprint for small business owners who want to increase sales and profits in their business. Social media can be a huge distraction for business owners if they are not clear on exactly how to turn connections into customers. Lisa shows you how to use your content to build credibility, and then how to easily increase sales by being SWIIFT. Her SWIIFT model will change how you look at Social Media and Content Marketing." -- Linda Clemons, Sales and Body Language Expert

    "As an entrepreneur, I often tell people that you go into business for one reason and one reason alone. You love what you do. However, it is easy to fall into the trap of being so busy working IN your business, you neglect to work ON your business. Lisa has strategically given steps not only to help you work ON your business, but how to work smarter, not harder through money tips, social media strategies, mindset techniques, and so many other top-notch strategies. Learn from the best. Lisa is a leader in anything business-related and in online strategies. Allow her experience to teach you how to continue to succeed and break through your ceiling. Now that indeed is smart!" -- Kathy Smart, North America's Gluten-Free Expert, Best Selling Author, TV Show Host, Dr. Oz Guest, Global News Community Health Contributor

    "If you're ready for no-nonsense, street-wise, hard-hitting, how-to blueprint on building and running your business, Lisa Larter's got it for you right here, right now. Read this book. It will transform how you think, take action, and get real results in your business." -- Christine Kane, President & Founder, UPLEVEL YOU

    "Unfortunately, as business owners today we face a huge challenge. The challenge of misinformation, half-truths, and downright lies when it comes to finding real information that helps our businesses grow. It's much like finding a needle in a haystack. . .and this is why most small businesses fail even before they get started. I've read many books, and most of them fall short of the complete picture of what it takes to start, run, operate, and make your business thrive. . .Starting, Running, Managing, Partnering, Mindset, Marketing, Measuring. Lisa has put together what I believe a complete picture, for not only start-ups, but also businesses that want to go to the next level. Finally, you've found the needle. Thanks, Lisa, for putting such a great book together. I can feel the truth in every word." -- Stephan Stavrakis, Positioning Strategist

    "This book is a tremendous read for entrepreneurs and corporate executives alike. Having worked for Lisa a long time ago in my career, I can tell you her lessons have a lifelong effect in setting you up for success. It is tremendous to see her lessons shared as a leader in my past, coming to life in this book to impact more people eager to live better, happier, more successful lives.

    Whether it is in regards of 'how you can vs. why you can't' or 'having a positive mindset vs. a negative mindset, ' Lisa has 'walked this walk' in life and impacted so many like myself. I am so excited she is sharing these lessons with many more through this book. A 'must-read' for all those trying to grow their business, or start one. Pay special attention to 'Measuring What Matters, ' very few know this better than Lisa Larter. -- Marc Petitpas, Vice President of Sales, Fusion Homes.

    "Finally, a book that makes sense and is full of quality content that can be used in everyday life. It is about changing your mindset and how you think about money. This book will enlighten you and reinforce your understanding of how to master the money game. This is a must read if you want to have financial freedom." -- Judy O'Beirn, Creator and Co-Author of "Unwavering Strength"

    "Lisa Larter knows her stuff. She has grown her business into a world-class enterprise by developing and implementing the powerful strategies and practical tactics she shares in her book. I know they work because I've watched her apply them over and over. If you want to grow your business, buy this book. You can thank me later." -- Michael J. Hughes, NfR Consulting Group

    "Heart-felt, wise, honest, and relevant. Lisa Larter shares her own personal journey from financial struggle to entrepreneurial success. As a small business owner, I find her inspirational advice demonstrates how even minor, gentle changes to our mindset can garner wonderfully impactful results." -- Joyce Little, JL Consulting, Inc.

    "Lisa's unique genius shines through in her book as she tells the honest and vulnerable stories we can identify with---about money, fear, and other things that hold entrepreneurs back and then hits you right between the eyes with the truth of EXACTLY what it takes to succeed. And, when I say exactly I mean specific, practical steps that leave you feeling like, 'Yes, I can do this!' Lisa's book is like having a business coach right at your shoulder, leaving no room for doubt about the action, mindset, and approach to take to succeed." -- Cristi Cooke, Creator of the Pillars of Genius Method

    "A path to personal success and financial freedom are in front of us every day. Lisa uses her personal experiences to mentor small business entrepreneurs through the process in a practical manner. This read will leave you inspired and prepared to compete in our competitive marketplace." -- Shaun Marshall, GM Canada-Sales & Operations at Cohere Communications

    "The boost you need to grow your business today! Through her transparent writing, Lisa shares her experiences and vast knowledge in a positive, clear way that will get you started, take you to the next level, or remind you what is important. A book for every entrepreneur!" -- DeDe Galindo, Granddaughter of Zig Ziglar, Realtor, Entrepreneur, and Speaker with the Ziglar Women

    "In Lisa Larter's book, "Pilot to Profit" she shares what I call the 'real secrets of online success.' As one of the premier Queens of Social Media, she lays out the type of foundation you need to build for a profitable long-term online business, as well as show you through her stories and examples how to deal with all the issues that come up along the journey!" -- Sheree Keys, CEO of ShereeKeys.com and #1 Best-Selling Author

    "Love this book! Lisa does an excellent job of walking the reader step-by-step through her proven system of building a profitable business in today's social world, based on quality relationship marketing principles. Social Media is the great amplifier; read this book to learn show how to get your business in order so you can turn the right connections into your best customers!" -- Mari Smith, Author of "The New Relationship Marketing" and Co-Author of "Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day"

    Description for Sales People:
    Demystifies the complicated online marketing maze and shows you exactly how blogging, email marketing and social media can support your business strategy to help you attract more paying customers and how to sell to those customers once they are in front of you.

    Table of Contents:
    Section 1: Profit Principles
    Introduction: Accidental Entrepreneur

    Chapter One: The First Sale Is Always You

    Chapter Two: Your Money Mindset

    Chapter Three: Defining Your Business Model

    Chapter Four: Measure What Matters

    Section 2: Content Principles

    Chapter Five: Your Content Is Your Credibility

    Chapter Six: Emails Make Your Business Money

    Section 3: Social Principles

    Chapter Seven: Selling On Social Media

    Chapter Eight: Don't Be Everywhere On Social Media

    Chapter Nine: Be A SWIIFT Marketer

    Section 4: Selling Principles

    Chapter Ten: How To Sell

    Section 5: Conclusion

    Chapter Eleven: The Pilot Project

    Chapter Twelve: Connect With Me

    Publisher Marketing:
    Seatbelts fastened. Business dreams in the upright position. Entrepreneurs, prepare for takeoff.
    Ready to generate sales, build brand buzz, and watch your cash flow soar? "Pilot to Profit" clears up the confusion of modern entrepreneurship---so you can build a smart, successful and sustainable business with sky-high returns.

    Do I really need to be on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter? How do these other people command such high fees (and how can I?) How do I double my profits this year without doubling the work?

    As you turn the pages, you'll uncover answers to the questions that have kept you stuck. And, proven strategies to help your business get found and turn connections into paying customers---whether you're an established enterprise or just

    What can you expect? A stronger money mindset that no longer sabotages your ability to be paid what you're worth for the work you do. Expect your money-making "radar" to be on high alert. A clearly defined business model that maximizes what comes in, with less effort put out. Ease finding the right channels to grow your business so that you can reach more people. An understanding of how to create content that raises your credibility and puts you on the map. (Because without great content, your business might never be found.) Not only will you learn about turning out content that begs to be clicked on, but you'll gain powerful strategies for sharing that content through email and social media, so it gets devoured and grows your fan base. Lastly, you'll walk away understanding how to sell what you do, whom to sell it to, and precisely how to find and connect with those people. This book uncovers every step you need on your journey to building a successful, profitable business you love. With "Pilot to Profit," you're officially cleared for takeoff.

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