ROBERT BRYNDZA LITTLE, BROWN & CO Ref. 9780751571301 Altres productes del mateix autor
    Beneath the water the body sank rapidly. She would lie still and undisturbed for many years but above her on dry land, the nightmare was just beginning. When Detective Erika Foster receives a tip off that key evidence for a major narcotics case was stashed in a disused quarry on the outskirts of Lon...
    Ancho: 128 cm Largo: 208 cm Pes: 100 gr
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    11,22 €
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    • ISBN : 14107
    • Encuadernació : Paperback (B format)
    • Data d'edició : 13/12/2018
    • Any d'edició : 2018
    • Autors : ROBERT BRYNDZA
    • Nº de pàgines : 384
    Beneath the water the body sank rapidly. She would lie still and undisturbed for many years but above her on dry land, the nightmare was just beginning. When Detective Erika Foster receives a tip off that key evidence for a major narcotics case was stashed in a disused quarry on the outskirts of London, she orders for it to be searched.

    From the thick sludge the drugs are recovered, but so is the skeleton of a young child. The remains are quickly identified as eleven-year-old Jessica Collins. The missing girl who made headline news when she vanished twenty-six years ago.

    As Erika tries to piece together new evidence with the old, she discovers a family harbouring secrets, a detective plagued by her failure to find Jessica, and the mysterious death of a man living by the quarry. Is the suspect someone close to home? Someone doesn't want this case solved. And they'll do anything to stop Erika from finding the truth.

    Read what everyone is saying about Dark Water: 'OH MY GOD! Just let me a take a moment while I catch my breath! I LOVED IT! WHAT A BOOK! WHAT AN AUTHOR! WHAT A READ! It is all consuming, there is no let up... every twist and turn is designed to make you gasp, to make your head spin and your heart beat out of your chest.' Emma the Little Bookworm 'HOLY MOLY Robert Bryndza has only gone and done it again... it's one of those books you can't bear to put down, as each chapter ends you just "have to read one more" and before you know it it's the middle of the night!...

    I can and will wholeheartedly recommend Dark Waters for anyone looking for an original crime story but with all the hallmarks of a truly thrilling tale.' Book Review Cafe 'Oh wowzerz ... OMG I really wasn't expecting the ending ... this is one hell of a read.' Insights into the Wonderful World of Books 'Utterly addictive ...

    a book you really need to finish before bedtime, otherwise you will be up into the wee hours of the morning hooked!' The Quiet Knitter 'When all was revealed, I was totally gut punched... a winner and one that I feel will stay with me for quite some time.' Novel Gossip 'OMG!! What an amazing book! Once I started reading it, I couldn't stop! From the first chapter I was hooked and held bound and captive till the end ... this book is just fabulous, and absolutely the author's best to date!!' Relax and Read Book Reviews 'Brilliantly plotted, incredibly captivating, and definitely a must-read!...

    Robert Bryndza is like a breath of fresh air. He creates characters we can't get enough of and juicy, complex stories that suck you in...He truly writes with great depth and heart, and leaves you, as a reader, surprised, highly entertained, and extremely satisfied.' What's Better Than Books 'A gripping and an edge of your seat read. It made my heart and pulse race with every page I turned.

    It is one of those books that when you finish, you sit back and just think, wow! There is just so much more I want to say but I think I will just end up gushing and not do this fantastic book the justice it deserves. An outstanding read by an author who is one of my firm favourites.' By The Letter Book Reviews

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