KATE MOSSE HARPER COLLINS Ref. 9780008257460 Altres productes del mateix autor
    16 modern fiction superstars shine a startling light on the romance and pain of the infamous literary pair Heathcliff and Cathy. Short stories to stir the heart and awaken vital conversation about love. Sixteen stories inspired by Wuthering Heights.In `Terminus' a young woman hides in an empty Brigh...
    Dimensions: 197 x 129 x 25 cm Pes: 274 gr
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  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-0-00-825746-0
    • Encuadernació : Paperback (B format)
    • Data d'edició : 15/04/2019
    • Any d'edició : 2019
    • Autors : KATE MOSSE
    • Nº de pàgines : 304
    16 modern fiction superstars shine a startling light on the romance and pain of the infamous literary pair Heathcliff and Cathy. Short stories to stir the heart and awaken vital conversation about love. Sixteen stories inspired by Wuthering Heights.

    In `Terminus' a young woman hides in an empty Brighton hotel; in `Thicker Than Blood' a man sits in a hot tub stalking his newly-married love on social media; and in `A bird half-eaten' an amateur boxer prepares for a match. A woman recalls the `Heathcliffs I Have Known' and the physical danger she has borne at their hands; in `Anima' a child and a fox are unified in one startling moment of violence; and in `One Letter Different' two teenagers walk the moors and face up to their respective buried secrets. Curated by Kate Mosse and commissioned for Emily Bronte's bicentenary year in 2018, these fresh, modern stories pulse with the raw beauty and pain of love and are as timely as they are illuminating.

    The full list of contributors is:Leila Aboulela, Hanan Al-Shaykh, Joanna Cannon, Alison Case, Juno Dawson, Louise Doughty, Sophie Hannah, Anna James, Erin Kelly, Dorothy Koomson, Grace McCleen, Lisa McInerney, Laurie Penny, Nikesh Shukla, Michael Stewart and Louisa Young.

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