HARRY SIDEBOTTOM HARPER COLLINS SQU 9780007560509 Ver otros productos de la misma colección See other products of the same author
    From the bestselling author of WARRIOR OF ROME comes the first book in a new series set in third century Rome; a dramatic era of murder, coup, counter-rebellions and civil war.In a single year six Emperors will lay claim to the Throne of the Caesars...SPRING AD235Dawn on the Rhine. A surprise attack...
    Weight: 100 gr
    Available in 5-10 days
    11,00 €
  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-0-00-756050-9
    • Binding : Paperback (A format)
    • Publication Date : 15/03/2015
    • Edition year : 0
    • Author/s : HARRY SIDEBOTTOM.
    • Number of pages : 0
    From the bestselling author of WARRIOR OF ROME comes the first book in a new ser
    ies set in third century Rome; a dramatic era of murder, coup, counter-rebellion
    s and civil war.In a single year six Emperors will lay claim to the Throne of th
    e Caesars...SPRING AD235Dawn on the Rhine. A surprise attack and the brutal murd
    er of the Emperor Alexander and his mother ends the Severan dynasty and shatters
    four decades of Roman certainty.Military hero Maximinus Thrax is the first Caes
    ar risen from the barracks. A simple man of steel and violence, he will fight fo
    r Rome.The Senators praise the new Emperor with elaborate oratory, but will any
    of them accept a Caesar who was once a shepherd boy? And in the streets of the e
    ternal city, others merely pray to escape imperial notice.In the north, as the m
    erciless war against the barbarians consumes men and treasure, rebellion and per
    sonal tragedy drive Maximinus to desperate extremes, bloody revenge and the bord
    ers of sanity.Iron & Rust, the first book in a major new series, creates a world
    both sophisticated and brutal, yet firmly rooted in history; a world of intrigu
    e, murder, passion and war, a world where men will kill to sit on the Throne of
    the Caesars.

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