JONATHAN FRANZEN HARPER COLLINS SQU 9780008299231 See other products of the same author
    A sharp and provocative new essay collection from the award-winning author of Freedom and The CorrectionsIn The End of the End of the Earth, which gathers essays and speeches written mostly in the past five years, Jonathan Franzen returns with renewed vigor to the themes - both human and literary - ...
    Measures: 215 x 135 x 20 cm Weight: 252 gr
    Available in 5-10 days
    17,25 €
  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-0-00-829923-1
    • Binding : Paperback (C format)
    • Publication Date : 13/11/2018
    • Edition year : 2018
    • Author/s : JONATHAN FRANZEN
    • Number of pages : 0
    A sharp and provocative new essay collection from the award-winning author of Freedom and The CorrectionsIn The End of the End of the Earth, which gathers essays and speeches written mostly in the past five years, Jonathan Franzen returns with renewed vigor to the themes - both human and literary - that have long preoccupied him. Whether exploring his complex relationship with his uncle, recounting his young adulthood in New York, or offering an illuminating look at the global seabird crisis, these pieces contain all the wit and disabused realism that we've come to expect from Franzen.Taken together, these essays trace the progress of a unique and mature mind wrestling with itself, with literature, and with some of the most important issues of our day, made more pressing by the current political milieu. The End of the End of the Earth is remarkable, provocative and necessary.

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